Oleksiy Pylypenko

Results 83 comments of Oleksiy Pylypenko

Yes, IR transformer seems to be the way to go. One more possible solution is to dynamically intercept functions after code generation i.e. embedding some assembly code on the fly...

In general, I can admit that most of the functions of `mockk` itself are transferred to common modules. Besides implementing the interface for function interception there are no hard tasks...

Performance is a difficult thing to reason as many things might be optimized on CPU level e.t.c. Without performance testing and optimization I don't think we can prove anything here...

Although one thing that is better with dynamic dispatch is that it allows calling original methods, which is required by spies. See no way now to do it with interceptors...

@olonho I have following error [here](https://github.com/oleksiyp/mockk/commit/a0e1a2ae2552d32cf74c9d54387f431154103504): ``` * Where: Build file '/home/oleksiyp/workspace/mockk/dsl/native/build.gradle' line: 24 * What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating project ':mockk-dsl-native'. > tried to access method org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformImplementationPluginBase$Companion.whenEvaluated(Lorg/gradle/api/Project;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;)V...

@olonho I use following kotlin plugin: ``` buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.21' repositories { mavenCentral() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" } } ```

Thanks. Will try this evening

As in my project DSL is extracted to specific module I need to port it first. Added `dsl/CMakeLists.txt` with common part + InternalPlatform borrowed from JS. Now it fails with...

Wow! After fixing this error DSL compiled in CLion and there is a possibility to run it till the moment actual implementation is needed. Optimistically tomorrow evening will port main...

@olonho @vvlevchenko what to do with following message? ``` error: the feature "multi platform projects" is experimental and should be enabled explicitly ``` Is it possible to turn it on...