Oleksiy Pylypenko
Oleksiy Pylypenko
In any way, it is a challenge to just build MockK first.
I am a bit surprised myself, but really there is no handling logic for `regular mock` or `regular spy`. I think after the first review of code: * `MockKCancellationRegistry.Type` should...
Mocking all system classes is cumbersome. You can check [this code](https://github.com/mockk/mockk/blob/b3f52f21801ac4dcd1e235572fe999d41b8c120c/agent/jvm/src/main/java/io/mockk/proxy/jvm/advice/jvm/JvmMockKProxyAdvice.java#L31). It allows to mock HashMap. Each such case requires a special workaround. I'll check how difficult it is to...
There are two problems here. First is that System.getSecurityManager() is called from ByteBuddy instrumented `getDeclarationMethod` and leads to recursion if intercepted. So I relaxed this by interecepting whole `System` without...
To mock native functions, you need a special agent that will [rename](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/instrument/Instrumentation.html#setNativeMethodPrefix(java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer,%20java.lang.String)) native methods to methods with prefix and replace the original one with java methods. This is what is...
Thank you for your investigation
Seems to me like a byte buddy error. Verification error mostly always refer to that level. Mockk and mockito use bytebuddy a bit differently by default. The idea of fixing...
The problem here why I identify it as a ByteBuddy error is that "verify error" for ByteBuddy is like "compiler internal error" for "compiler" i.e. ByteBuddy just produced non-digestible by...
VarArgMatcher is handled a bit special way in the internals of MockK. I will add this as feature request