Steven Noreyko
Steven Noreyko
Updated display to include CC value and a "-" for unused things (like vel for CCs)
Just testing out your code today and running into an issue. I have multiple hardware midi ports (raspi with custom midi hat) and all of the ports are identical so...
Hello! I'm trying to figure out how to compile your btmidi-server with `bluez-5.52`. I modified and added what appeared to be the relevant parts from your Bluez fork (the...
Using 2021-10-30-raspios-bullseye-armhf disk image I ended up with an error on `make` ``` /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/o2m.dir/build.make:258: o2m] Error 1...
I'm trying to see if i can make a device profile for my livid block (or eventually OhmRGB) I copied apc mini to start off I get errors on start:...
Spent a bunch of time trying to get loaf to compile/run on my RasPi 4 last night and wanted to write up some notes for you. In `config.make` `PROJECT_EXCLUSIONS` would...
should supernova just work, or would it require a special/different build?
The NeoTrellisM4 library for Arduino seems to be lacking functionality to tile additional NeoTrellis boards to expand the button grid. This seems very odd as the NeoTrellisM4 hardware was obviously...