BRAMILLE Sébastien

Results 33 comments of BRAMILLE Sébastien

It's been 10 years since I use it and I would not change it for the world :)

It would be good to have the `router.param()` accepting multiple middlewares, that will permit us to split our middleware example: ```javascript router.param('userId', (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {...

Thanks for your work, can you please update your branch?

Sorry it's been a long time ago, Can you please create a little example to easily reproduce the problem?

Sorry it's been a long time ago, I will look into that, thank you.

@djfarrelly Let me know if you still want to move the repository to a neutral place :p

Sounds like a very good idea! Can you please add some tests to your pull request?

Sorry it's been a long time ago, can you please create a little example to easily reproduce the problem?

Thank you for your comment, I'm gonna investigate this issue as soon as possible