BRAMILLE Sébastien

Results 33 comments of BRAMILLE Sébastien

Is it possible for you to add tests? I would like to avoid a -6% of code coverage.

Sorry it's been a long time ago, the search has already been implemented. The thread feature can be interesting but it will take time to do, feel free to do...

We should maybe convert that into a documentation?

Sorry it's been a long time ago, can you please give us more information about that?

Sounds interesting, let us know the progress :)

Sorry it's been a long time ago, I'm not sure I can see a use-case for that. Is it still something needed?

We will look into that, thank you

@sscovil, if you can rebase your PR and it will be good to go! Thank you.

Can you please create a little example to easily reproduce the problem?

Thanks for your issue, we will look into it :)