Hi, I am facing the same problem here. macOS Version: 10.12.6 Rectangle Version: 0.68 _(macOS double-click to Zoom enabled, Rectangle double-click to maximize disabled, vice versa works no problem.)_ **_Video:_**...
For me all of a sudden it **started** working.
@nateskillz21 You can close this issue now.
`Group 7` should be named as `Button` You should not group `Create Project` and `Rectangle 7` You should remove `Rectangle 7` You should not group `Include Default Metadata?` and `Rectangle...
There is no `copy annotations` and `circle button`
I don't think you can add a frame in a frame
A simple example showing how to setup a 3d scene across windows on the same origin using three.js and localStorage. Code should be self explanatory. Please close.
Não é aqui que você deve perguntar isso. Porfavor fale em ingles. Talk in English. Used Google Translate.
Please close.
You can add `#### Refer to [this video](https://watch.screencastify.com/v/saDGrNayjwSmxbFbShB1) if you face any problem` under ``` 9. **Button with Hover Effect** - Duplicate the Button you created in the previous step...