
Results 54 comments of ogmkp

Setted to config.properties : > imageFormat = png Same errors.

Sure: $ adb shell screencap -p [result.txt](https://github.com/oberien/adb-remote-control/files/5699079/result.txt) ``` $ adb shell screencap -p test.png Error opening file: test.png (Read-only file system) ``` And -j don't exist: ``` $ adb shell...

I'm using Debian 10 stable with bash. Yes, here the output of the command you provided: [result.txt](https://github.com/oberien/adb-remote-control/files/5705538/result.txt) Yes, I piped the command result in a straight file (adb shell screencap...

OK, this is, probably, a Android/ADB problem. I'm using https://github.com/MajeurAndroid/java-adb-remote-screen instead. But I suggest to you to evolve this method for video encoding like: > $ adb exec-out screenrecord --output-format=h264...

If I remove 1080p60 6 Mbps, I get 60 fps on all others streams (720p60, 480p60, 240p60) and don't know why. All presets uses the lowest CPU utilization profile. I...

https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/52686-ffmpeg-only-using-75-of-cpu-when-transcoding/ From a user of emby product who encounter same problem, remove -maxrate and/or -bufsize makes better fps at the end of the ffmpeg chain. Is it possible to find...

Is it normal that ffmpeg does not use all the CPU capacity to satisfy the fps demand? Because, it uses only 380% maximum on 800% and it drags at 29...

Hi @gabek , do you think you can find a workaround for this ffmpeg bottleneck at half cpu?

I see aprox 15 ~ 20% of overload when starting v4l2sink on my side.

I had the same problem and modified the CMakeLists.txt for a working solution: Replace Line 5: include(external/FindLibObs.cmake) by: if (WIN32 OR APPLE) include(external/FindLibObs.cmake) endif()