Results 10 comments of

I'll add that if this is an actual bug, I have some bandwidth to help contribute toward fixing it. Please let me know if I can help.

> Are either of you up for opening a PR so we evaluate on a test-passing state? @joshmoore I can work on this. I just need to think of a...

Maybe this is acceptable for a test? I create a matrix that is of shape (10, 10) with chunks that are (2, 2) and initialize it with zeros. I then...

Thanks @joshmoore. I'll work on forking the repo and adding the test.

> PS: If it's still a medium or long term goal that "...larger data processing that will happen in the cloud..." and the desired backend is object storage the ProcessSynchronizer...

Hello, I am working for [NOAA NCEI]( with the goal of processing 100+ TB of EK60 data (currently found in the [AWS Open Data Registry]( We would like to do...

Thanks, @leewujung I will work on some further profiling and post results here.

Had to shift some things around with closures so I could use the profile decorator but here are some results. Profiling for parser.parse_raw() (shown in red) only uses about 3...

Nice catch @gavinmacaulay! Somewhat obvious in retrospect: ``` 'application_name': 'EK80' ``` Some sort of pragmatic method for deriving if a ".raw" files is EK60 or EK80 would be very useful...

Thanks for the script. And the explanation is very helpful, I am new to a lot of this.