Results 26 comments of Olaf Frohn

The problem was ``location: false``. It is marked as deprecated, however, it wasn't deprecated enough until now and that prevented the rotation according to geopos. I have deleted that now,...

If you set follow = "center" in the configuration, it should not animate on load and be set to whatever you put into center, ``[0,0]`` by default. As to your...

For security purposes the language setting is checked in config.js against a list of all available languages and only applied when it appears in it. So if you add the...

I tried adding Kiswahili to the constellation names and when I set lang: 'sw' it works as intended, set all object names for which the selected language is available to...

At the moment this app is purely visual, for painting pixels on a canvas. The best way to do it would be to rewrite the redraw function to collect stellar...

If you are still following, I could provide a function to export the json data for a given configuration, essentially a headless setup without visual display.

The observed behavior is as expected, since the time shifts by +1 or -1 hour at transition and the zenith therefore jumps 15 degrees. If you want to switch off...

That's the way it is supposed to work, when you switch off timezone setting you have to do it entirely manually. You can use e.g. Celestial.skyview() to set any datetime,...

You can add RA labels along a specific declination line. The config: `{ lines.graticule.lon: { pos: [30, -30], fill: "#eee", font: "10px 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" }}` adds...

The canvas is always created within a div element, id given by the configuration parameter container (default 'celestial-map') with the selector #celestial-map canvas you can always access it externally. sorry...