d3-celestial icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
d3-celestial copied to clipboard

Setting geopos in config doesn't change the initial position of the celestial map

Open LorenzoAng opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

I tested this using the default config files as well and confirmed it isn't working

var config = { width: 0, // Default width, 0 = full parent element width; // height is determined by projection projection: "aitoff", // Map projection used: see below transform: "equatorial", // Coordinate transformation: equatorial (default), // ecliptic, galactic, supergalactic center: null, // Initial center coordinates in set transform // [longitude, latitude, orientation] all in degrees // null = default center [0,0,0] orientationfixed: true, // Keep orientation angle the same as center[2]

geopos: [10, 10], // optional initial geographic position [lat,lon] in degrees,
====== doesn't change initial position ======

                  // overrides center

follow: "zenith", // on which coordinates to center the map, default: zenith, if location enabled, // otherwise center zoomlevel: null, // initial zoom level 0...zoomextend; 0|null = default, 1 = 100%, 0 < x <= zoomextend zoomextend: 10, // maximum zoom level adaptable: true, // Sizes are increased with higher zoom-levels interactive: true, // Enable zooming and rotation with mousewheel and dragging form: true, // Display form for interactive settings. Needs a div with // id="celestial-form", created automatically if not present location: false, // Display location settings. Deprecated, use formFields below formFields: {"location": true, // Set visiblity for each group of fields with the respective id "general": true,
"stars": true,
"dsos": true,
"constellations": true,
"lines": true,
"other": true,
"download": false},
advanced: true, // Display fewer form fields if false daterange: [], // Calender date range; null: displaydate-+10; [n<100]: displaydate-+n; [yr]: yr-+10; // [yr, n<100]: [yr-n, yr+n]; [yr0, yr1]
controls: true, // Display zoom controls lang: "", // Global language override for names, any name setting that has the chosen language available // Default: desig or empty string for designations, other languages as used anywhere else culture: "", // Source of constellations and star names, default "iau", other: "cn" Traditional Chinese container: "map", // ID of parent element, e.g. div, null = html-body datapath: "data/", // Path/URL to data files, empty = subfolder 'data' stars: { show: true, // Show stars limit: 6, // Show only stars brighter than limit magnitude colors: true, // Show stars in spectral colors, if not use default color style: { fill: "#ffffff", opacity: 1 }, // Default style for stars designation: true, // Show star names (Bayer, Flamsteed, Variable star, Gliese or designation, // i.e. whichever of the previous applies first); may vary with culture setting designationType: "desig", // Which kind of name is displayed as designation (fieldname in starnames.json) designationStyle: { fill: "#ddddbb", font: "11px 'Palatino Linotype', Georgia, Times, 'Times Roman', serif", align: "left", baseline: "top" }, designationLimit: 2.5, // Show only names for stars brighter than nameLimit propername: false, // Show proper name (if present) propernameType: "name", // Languge for proper name, default IAU name; may vary with culture setting // (see list below of languages codes available for stars) propernameStyle: { fill: "#ddddbb", font: "13px 'Palatino Linotype', Georgia, Times, 'Times Roman', serif", align: "right", baseline: "bottom" }, propernameLimit: 1.5, // Show proper names for stars brighter than propernameLimit size: 7, // Maximum size (radius) of star circle in pixels exponent: -0.28, // Scale exponent for star size, larger = more linear data: 'stars.6.json' // Data source for stellar data, // number indicates limit magnitude }, dsos: { show: true, // Show Deep Space Objects limit: 6, // Show only DSOs brighter than limit magnitude colors: true, // // Show DSOs in symbol colors if true, use style setting below if false style: { fill: "#cccccc", stroke: "#cccccc", width: 2, opacity: 1 }, // Default style for dsos names: true, // Show DSO names namesType: "name", // Type of DSO ('desig' or language) name shown // (see list below for languages codes available for dsos) nameStyle: { fill: "#cccccc", font: "11px Helvetica, Arial, serif", align: "left", baseline: "top" }, // Style for DSO names nameLimit: 6, // Show only names for DSOs brighter than namelimit size: null, // Optional seperate scale size for DSOs, null = stars.size exponent: 1.4, // Scale exponent for DSO size, larger = more non-linear data: 'dsos.bright.json', // Data source for DSOs, // opt. number indicates limit magnitude symbols: { //DSO symbol styles, 'stroke'-parameter present = outline gg: {shape: "circle", fill: "#ff0000"}, // Galaxy cluster g: {shape: "ellipse", fill: "#ff0000"}, // Generic galaxy s: {shape: "ellipse", fill: "#ff0000"}, // Spiral galaxy s0: {shape: "ellipse", fill: "#ff0000"}, // Lenticular galaxy sd: {shape: "ellipse", fill: "#ff0000"}, // Dwarf galaxy e: {shape: "ellipse", fill: "#ff0000"}, // Elliptical galaxy i: {shape: "ellipse", fill: "#ff0000"}, // Irregular galaxy oc: {shape: "circle", fill: "#ffcc00", stroke: "#ffcc00", width: 1.5}, // Open cluster gc: {shape: "circle", fill: "#ff9900"}, // Globular cluster en: {shape: "square", fill: "#ff00cc"}, // Emission nebula bn: {shape: "square", fill: "#ff00cc", stroke: "#ff00cc", width: 2}, // Generic bright nebula sfr:{shape: "square", fill: "#cc00ff", stroke: "#cc00ff", width: 2}, // Star forming region rn: {shape: "square", fill: "#00ooff"}, // Reflection nebula pn: {shape: "diamond", fill: "#00cccc"}, // Planetary nebula snr:{shape: "diamond", fill: "#ff00cc"}, // Supernova remnant dn: {shape: "square", fill: "#999999", stroke: "#999999", width: 2}, // Dark nebula grey pos:{shape: "marker", fill: "#cccccc", stroke: "#cccccc", width: 1.5} // Generic marker } }, planets: { //Show planet locations, if date-time is set show: false, // List of all objects to show which: ["sol", "mer", "ven", "ter", "lun", "mar", "jup", "sat", "ura", "nep"], // Font styles for planetary symbols symbols: { // Character and color for each symbol in 'which', simple circle \u25cf "sol": {symbol: "\u2609", letter:"Su", fill: "#ffff00"}, "mer": {symbol: "\u263f", letter:"Me", fill: "#cccccc"}, "ven": {symbol: "\u2640", letter:"V", fill: "#eeeecc"}, "ter": {symbol: "\u2295", letter:"T", fill: "#00ccff"}, "lun": {symbol: "\u25cf", letter:"L", fill: "#ffffff"}, // overridden by generated crecent, except letter "mar": {symbol: "\u2642", letter:"Ma", fill: "#ff6600"}, "cer": {symbol: "\u26b3", letter:"C", fill: "#cccccc"}, "ves": {symbol: "\u26b6", letter:"Ma", fill: "#cccccc"}, "jup": {symbol: "\u2643", letter:"J", fill: "#ffaa33"}, "sat": {symbol: "\u2644", letter:"Sa", fill: "#ffdd66"}, "ura": {symbol: "\u2645", letter:"U", fill: "#66ccff"}, "nep": {symbol: "\u2646", letter:"N", fill: "#6666ff"}, "plu": {symbol: "\u2647", letter:"P", fill: "#aaaaaa"}, "eri": {symbol: "\u26aa", letter:"E", fill: "#eeeeee"} }, symbolStyle: { fill: "#00ccff", font: "bold 17px 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Consolas, sans-serif", align: "center", baseline: "middle" }, symbolType: "symbol", // Type of planet symbol: 'symbol' graphic planet sign, 'disk' filled circle scaled by magnitude // 'letter': 1 or 2 letters S Me V L Ma J S U N
names: false, // Show name in nameType language next to symbol nameStyle: { fill: "#00ccff", font: "14px 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Consolas, sans-serif", align: "right", baseline: "top" }, namesType: "desig" // Language of planet name (see list below of language codes available for planets), // or desig = 3-letter designation }, constellations: { names: true, // Show constellation names namesType: "iau", // Type of name Latin (iau, default), 3 letter designation (desig) or other language (see list below) nameStyle: { fill:"#cccc99", align: "center", baseline: "middle", font: ["14px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", // Style for constellations "12px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", // Different fonts for diff. "11px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]},// ranked constellations lines: true, // Show constellation lines, style below lineStyle: { stroke: "#cccccc", width: 1, opacity: 0.6 }, bounds: false, // Show constellation boundaries, style below boundStyle: { stroke: "#cccc00", width: 0.5, opacity: 0.8, dash: [2, 4] } },
mw: { show: true, // Show Milky Way as filled multi-polygon outlines style: { fill: "#ffffff", opacity: 0.15 } // Style for MW layers }, lines: { // Display & styles for graticule & some planes graticule: { show: true, stroke: "#cccccc", width: 0.6, opacity: 0.8,
// grid values: "outline", "center", or [lat,...] specific position lon: {pos: [""], fill: "#eee", font: "10px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"}, // grid values: "outline", "center", or [lon,...] specific position lat: {pos: [""], fill: "#eee", font: "10px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"}},
equatorial: { show: true, stroke: "#aaaaaa", width: 1.3, opacity: 0.7 },
ecliptic: { show: true, stroke: "#66cc66", width: 1.3, opacity: 0.7 },
galactic: { show: false, stroke: "#cc6666", width: 1.3, opacity: 0.7 },
supergalactic: { show: false, stroke: "#cc66cc", width: 1.3, opacity: 0.7 } }, background: { // Background style fill: "#000000", // Area fill opacity: 1, stroke: "#000000", // Outline width: 1.5 }, horizon: { //Show horizon marker, if location is set and map projection is all-sky show: false, stroke: "#cccccc", // Line width: 1.0, fill: "#000000", // Area below horizon opacity: 0.5 },
daylight: { //Show day sky as a gradient, if location is set and map projection is hemispheric show: false } };

// Display map with the configuration above or any subset thereof Celestial.display(config);

LorenzoAng avatar Aug 07 '20 06:08 LorenzoAng

The problem was location: false. It is marked as deprecated, however, it wasn't deprecated enough until now and that prevented the rotation according to geopos. I have deleted that now, the map should follow geopos, if it is a valid location, config.formFields.location === true and config.follow === "zenith"

ofrohn avatar Aug 16 '20 18:08 ofrohn