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PyCharm plugin for Odoo - [ ] Syntax highlight for `domain`, `context` and `sort` fields - [ ] Code completion for contexts in `domain` field - [ ] Code completion and navigation for...
This will provide quick information on where a model is defined.
- [ ] If auto-generated `relation` (table name) exceeds the maximum length (63), warn user to add a custom `relation`. - [ ] Warn if custom `relation` exceeds the maximum...
Model `sale.order`: ```python transaction_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name='payment.transaction', relation='sale_order_transaction_rel', column1='sale_order_id', column2='transaction_id', string="Transactions", copy=False, readonly=True) ``` Model `payment.transaction`: ```python sale_order_ids = fields.Many2many('sale.order', 'sale_order_transaction_rel', 'transaction_id', 'sale_order_id', string='Sales Orders', copy=False, readonly=True) ``` If the...
E.g. when creating `custom_module/views/res_partner_views.xml`, the `data` values in `custom_module/` will be updated automatically: ```python { 'data': [ 'views/res_partner_views.xml' ], } ```
E.g. when creating `custom_module/models/`, the following import will be inserted into `custom_module/models/` automatically: ```python from . import ```
E.g. when creating `ir.model.access.csv`, the following template will be inserted automatically: ```csv id,name,model_id:id,group_id:id,perm_read,perm_write,perm_create,perm_unlink ```
E.g. when creating `res_partner_views.xml`, the following template will be inserted automatically: ```xml ... res.partner ```
E.g. when creating ``, the following template will be inserted automatically: ```python from odoo import models, fields class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.partner' ```