Results 108 comments of Odd Stråbø

Just to confirm; Version 1.3.1 of the plugin was released 13 months ago, in June 2021. Have you had this issue for a year, or did it start recently? Logs...

> Log has been attached. First and foremost, it looks like AniSearch is refusing connections, and you should disable that as a metadata provider, and your Shoko Server plugin isn't...

For now, until my pr is merged and a new release is made, you need to also specify the file name of the local source, as there is a bug...

After looking into Josh's proposed change above, I realized that we are not only redirecting from `/`, but any path not starting with the baseurl. Therefore, this relative redirect needs...

This is (mostly) a `/` -> `/index.html` kind of redirect, so redirecting just `/` and `/web/` should be sufficient. As for baseurl? Well.

This can't be fixed in web, it is the initial redirect from `/` to `/web/index.html`. This PR needs to be updated to take current URL into account when redirecting; something...

The issue is still present in 10.7, I've yet to update my server to 10.8. I've worked around the issue by adding a redirect from the incorrectly redirected path on...

you should enable debug settings in the plugin settings for more verbose logs. How much of a difference is the network overhead? I can't imagine HTTP adding much overhead over...

This issue is also present for case insensitive cifs mounts (which seems to be caused by an old bug in cifs) The best way for steam to deal with...

That can't be expected behaviour. That's like audio starting to play a few seconds before the video is ready. I would rather wait an extra couple of seconds for subtitles...