Results 108 comments of Odd Stråbø

This is not currently planned, and would require lots of cleanup of the code base before it would be feasible to make an attempt. I also don't know how well...

With #775 #776 #780 and now finally #785, I'm not able to reproduce this issue in tests (py3 only), even tho the underlying timezone function is unchanged. The current test...

@staplebatteryhorse I pushed the release containing the mentioned fixes just as you where typing out this comment it seems, could you try again with the latest release (sorry, the release...

Thanks for the updated logs! ``` Starting Kodi (20.3 (20.3.0) Git:20240110-6fb2bfc7ff). Platform: Windows NT x86 64-bit Using Release Kodi x64 Kodi compiled 2024-01-10 by MSVC 193431937 for Windows NT x86...

Huh, so Kodi itself crashes and closes? I have not personally seen that happen recently.

The provided log snippet contains no useful information unfortunately. Try to locate the kodi_crashlog-YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS.log file of your crash. It contains stack traces of Kodi, and the log file of the...

I'd love an option for a copy of the actual image used to decode be sent as part of the json post payload. This to make it possible to do...

It is notoriously hard to programmatically determine what is part of the main feature, and what is pre/post roll and extras in a DVD/BluRay ISO. I would strongly recommend remuxing...

This is a rather simple one, `server` needs to have the trailing `/` stripped here before the public info endpoint is appended.