Is there still no solution to this problem? Is this project still being maintained?
Thanks for the solution. I switched to [Amphetamine](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/amphetamine/id937984704?mt=12) and it works like a charm (plus it is free as well).
@pointhalo 打扰一下,可以麻烦看看这里workflow跑不过是什么原因吗?并没有修改DatePicker相关的逻辑,是不是有点问题
这里看了一下,直接log `event.target`是可以拿到的: 上图中的bug是不是只是因为在控制台拿target值的时候,可能event中的各种指针被故意设置成了null(应该是为了垃圾回收?)导致所有的成员都指向null。这个算bug嘛
顶一下这里。同样遇到了此问题。如果不支持此 api 的话请问有什么兼容办法吗?
> Thanks for your interest! The invitation has been sent Hi, I would like to contribute to the project as well. Can I also get an invite?