At the moment in the container `/opt/eessi` is not writeable in the container which means `host_injections` cannot be used
I was developing for #212 and I hit the rate limits for GitHub after running that script only a couple of times. This is because there are many calls to...
Python packages may use ctypes to load libraries: ``` cdll.LoadLibrary("libprotoc.so.") ``` but this relies on the linker being able to find the libraries, which can fail in our current setup.
``` [ocaisa@gpunode1 gpu_support]$ which gcc /cvmfs/pilot.eessi-hpc.org/versions/2021.12/software/linux/x86_64/amd/zen2/software/GCCcore/10.3.0/bin/gcc [ocaisa@gpunode1 gpu_support]$ gcc -print-prog-name=ld ld ``` Doesn't this mean that GCC will just use whatever linker is in the path when compiling code? This...
If we allow a default approach to where extensions to EESSI are stored `${EESSI_SOFTWARE_PATH/versions/host_injections}` (as is done in #172) then there is nothing to stop us shipping a module that...
Users on a particular architecture might wrongly think that certain software is not available in EESSI because it doesn't appear it their module view. When a software package is not...
We should a variable symlink so that people can use the cvmfs configuration file to set the arch...that way you would have an invariant path that could be used in...
I've been doing some successful testing of https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/pull/116 and I'd like others to also give it a try. For minimal testing you just need set up the override directory: ```...
There are different API possibilities for OpenMP and they shouldn't be mixed. For `GCCcore` level, we shouldn't allow the OpenMP runtime to be linked as we create the possibility for...
`ctypes` relies on `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and doesn't respect rpath linking, this is a workaround for the EasyBuild context for this setup.