Results 23 comments of obskyr

Aw, really? My use case for a lightweight text editor is non-code text files, and the text files I deal with are usually old Shift-JIS files. I was hoping Lite...

@Mitchara I updated to 0.9.6 and it started working – does the latest version work for you too, perhaps?

This isn't incompatible with the existing XCompose standard, but is a superset of it! I don't think “it's a useful feature that other compose key solutions don't have” is a...

@JamesTheAwesomeDude Hmm. Just disabling `hupcl` using termios seems to have worked for @gowhari – does that work for you? Seeing as there are workarounds for both Windows (`ser.dtr = 0`)...

In addition to the strange behavior detailed in #418, I've discovered what may be related behavior: **disabling DTR doesn't take effect on the first no-DTR `open()` – only on subsequent...

The presupposition that all these categories of programmer are unsupported on Windows is based on an understanding cobbled together from (potentially outdated) documentation and code-skimming, so if someone could confirm...

I'm trying to build version 1.2 on Windows using MSYS2 – I followed the instructions on the wiki to the dot, running the command `make CONFIG_ENABLE_LIBPCI_PROGRAMMERS=no` (as simply `make` gave...

@mightymos Oh, that's lovely! I suppose it still requires manually copying the DLLs if you intend to use the program outside of MSYS2, though – is that correct?

Yep, alright, so step #⁠7 is still relevant.

Ah, sorry, one of the goals of this script is to be as simple as possible for people who aren't familiar with Python, which includes being only one file. Eliminates...