Nicolas Vuillamy

Results 300 comments of Nicolas Vuillamy

That seems great,I'll try that, thanks :)

Hi, any news about this PR ? To enhance integration off markdown-link-check within [MegaLinter](, it would help a lot to be able to run: `markdown-link-check` Thansk a...

I think I answered or fixed all your remarks, please tell me if anything is not clear :)

@cadeef I fully understand your concerns, and probably would share them in your position :) Mega-Linter is indeed quite new compared to well known tools like Sonar, Codacy, etc... but...

@NicolasMassart > Message received, thanks :) I will split the PR and try to take part in the discussion :)

## General requirement - Make sure all code published in markdown-lint-check is clean and follows coding/formatting best practices ## Mega-Linter Demo PR in this repo (without fixes): Demo PR...

@cadeef > bash vs python... it's not just about languages, more about [capabilities](, that are dramatically increased thanks to python modules :) It's by seing the huge amount of copy...

FYI, Mega-Linter is now locally runnable locally :) May I wake upgrade ? :)

Same error with Python 3.10.5 :/ Visible here -> Everything was working perfectly fine with python 3.9.7

@mhamilton723 if there are too many, you can just remove copy-paste detector, or update .jscpd.json at the root of the repo to ignore some paths :) You can also...