Nastassia Patin

Results 26 comments of Nastassia Patin

i saw this with metagenomes sequenced with both MiSeq 2 x 250 and 2 x 300 kits. Yes, I checked the template length on a Bioanalyzer before sequencing and size-selected...

[]( These are examples of reports showing both the 35 bp insert peak and "normal" reports with larger insert sizes as expected.

Can you explain where in the report you find this information? Also, why the insert peak size is 35 bp in both cases?

Thank you, that's helpful. However, both OV080516 and OV091816 were sequenced with 600 cycles (2 X 300 bp PE) so the template length should be closer to 600. In fact,...

Sorry closer to 300 not 600.

Was this issue ever resolved? I am getting the same error trying to build a database using blastdbcmd with NCBI nr.

@mschecht did you ever resolve this issue? I am having the same problem generating split coverages with SNV data.

I was able to solve it by downgrading R to version 3.5.1, but I got the following warning: "Warning message: As of rlang 0.4.0, dplyr must be at least version...

I am having a similar problem with ktimporttext. The text file looks as follows: fraction superkingdom phylum class order family genus species 0.006989827418079846 Eukaryota Viridiplantae:Chlorophyta Prasinophyceae Mamiellales Mamiellaceae Ostreococcus Ostreococcus...

I wanted to chime in and say I am interested in @VGalata 's question as well, and see if there has been any change since October 2020.