Éric Renaud-Houde

Results 20 comments of Éric Renaud-Houde

Hi, any insights into this issue? Unclear if this is related as I'm building shared, but I seem to be crashing on a similar problem: `libOpenColorIO.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4YAML4LoadERNSt3__113basic_istreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEE` Doing...

@remia The CLA is now applied so we should be good there. Regarding testing, I have been testing this change (manually) with a large number of transforms - so far...

Actually, we do need to confirm this works with both dynamic properties enabled/disabled. My current tests only covered them disabled. Will do so and report back.

Force-fixed the DCO email mismatch error in the previous commit, so this should be good for approval now. I'm still working on building an independent DX app to fully test...

This also occurred to me just now after I enabled `/DEBUG:FULL` to get symbols to display correctly, however the fix you mentioned above worked.

Great, thanks for this! I did modify it so that it also waited on the first launch. Since StayUp is executed on machine boot, I wanted to make sure everything...

Ah crap, sorry. I messed up the formatting here :( Let me fix.

Agreed on BoxLayout. We can close this PR.

Fresh clone on Windows 10 & NVIDIA RTX 3080 driver 527.56, can confirm this issue is still happening. (EDTI: Hello sample fails no matter what.)

Reviewing this: loading resources on Windows isn't really possible with Assimp since asset loading still rely on paths, even when extending its filesystem implementation (http://assimp.sourceforge.net/lib_html/usage.html).