Clyde Huang
Clyde Huang
## Description 在這個 PR 中,我回復了修課人數並且新增學生清單標題。 用於顯示目前的修課人數,並且回復學生清單的標題,並在兩個不同的列表中插一個空白來進行區隔。 ## How to review it - [x] 確認畫面正常顯示無誤。
## Description > Wait #221 merged into master since it's the base of this PR. In this PR, I completed the course student list shows in course info page. It...
## Description Warning:這個 PR 是重構相關 PR, diff 過大非常抱歉,僅需確認功能性正常。 在這個 PR 上,我遷移了 CourseExtraJson 與其相關無用的 Json 架構,使 Course 與 Syllabus 來涵蓋大部分的無用 Json,並且遷移了 Course Connector 至 v3 ## Implementation - [x] Apply Course...
## Feature Description > The issue is used to memorize the TODO. We are trying to migrate the project from dart 2 into the dart 3 now, the current project...
## Description A develop envrionment detector script which base on python. It can detect the current environment is satisfied the build requirement of tat-flutter. So it can help the other...
## Expection When the text with missing font, it should display missing texture for font. By @NOOBDY, @Dragonfly911117 and @ntut-rick, we determine to have this missing texture for font. ...
The current step of transform raw image to texture need to transform the surface first. It may cost lot of overhead when transform it. The issue were discovered in #73...
As a student from Taiwan, I would like to have a zh-TW documentation.
## What's happened? Hi, I'm Uriah from NYCU Room 217 😄 In this PR, I fix when Uplink/Downlink AMBR in webconsole subscriber page doesn't have unit, it will rasie panic...