Nathaniel Tucker

Results 66 comments of Nathaniel Tucker

I would recommend considering as it is much better for performance than others. is by far the best css-in-js implementation as it has zero runtime. Super fast and also more powerful in other ways.

> Lerna(v3.21.0) does not publishes the private packages if we use `--no-private` flag in publish command. > > Reference: However that also makes it not bump the package versions...

node_modules/msw/lib/node/index.mjs is commonjs? Mjs extensions should only be used for esm

node_modules/msw/lib/node/index.mjs is commonest? Mjs extensions should only be used for esmwhat is about then? It adds mjs extensions

I believe importing is fine... you just have to specify the file extension anytime you're in an esm.

Ts doesn't force you to not use extensions. If you add .js it will still look for .d.ts etc. See my project for example bundling:

For instance, you can see in all the relative imports specify .js in the extension. If you use tsc for compiling your js: If you use babel -...

Again, this implementation is against spec so it will break in all environments that implement spec correctly:

I would personally be happy with ESM targets being removed until properly impelemented