Nguyen P. Tri
Nguyen P. Tri
Currently gRPC maybe not their prioritize, so it's best to move to Gatling / phiSgr's gRpc library.
request for comment on this feature. Gently tag @vlsi to see if gRPC is possible.
in case someone stumbles this request. . You can consider alternatives such as k6 Grafana, Gatling Enterprise, Fiddler. Coding for the APIs of these tool are verbose enough to understand....
I suggest to look at Gatling, or k6 Grafana, for gRPC testing. This plug-in has a lot of issues and the owner doesn't work on this anymore.
Hi, is there possibilities that this issue is fixed ? Tried to push a huge load into system and I get exact same behavior too.
hi @drairi , can you share your Dockerfile so that we can see how you managed to pass through it ? Thank you.
hi @stefjoosten did you managed to resolve this issue ?
Hi, did you try your new update dockerfile with newest Gatling ?