Erwin Driessens
Erwin Driessens
I have a similar issue with many (complex) shapes. MeshLab will run out of memory somehow, before it actually shows any progress in the progress bar. It looks like it...
The rotation controls are also counter-intuitive to me. It is almost trial and error to get the view i am after...
I found the bug in The input images are 'normalized' twice, so that they become very dark. The first normalization is done here: ds_train = x: x /...
@LukeWood @fchollet @yarri-oss Please integrate the StyleGAN bug fix mentioned above.
Can anyone tell me whether Live View is working with the M100? And if so, which resolution it is?
Same here...go-libjpeg.Decode() does not return an error, but the output file is 0 bytes.
It is the OpenCL 2.0 cl.h that causes this, i forgot to mention...
I encountered this issue as well.. A quick fix is to update package.go, replace the line #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lCL with #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lOpenCL
Ok, after diving deeper into the code i have discovered that Trainer.gen_samples() is stacking two variants of outputs. It is a feature, not a bug, I will adapt the code...