Malte Köhrer
Malte Köhrer
If the /cron/test_email-Option works but invites don't, double check the FROM_EMAIL definition in app/Config/constants.php. It's only being used in invites but not in the test_email function.
This issue is a duplicate of
It's been a year and a half since the ticket has been created. These days Orange Scrum doesn't work anymore on any actively supported PHP version and there hasn't been...
Thank you for the invite. I'll be submitting my changes into the official reposity asap. Might take a few days though, since I am chasing deadlines at the moment.
I commited the changes from my fork to the dev branch and made a pixijs 5 issue. Sorry for the long delay, I had to get my projects straight after...
Try to use XCode 14.2 on an older version of OSX. I tried to port a cordova ios 7 project that had working audio with XCode 14.2 to XCode 15...
> do you try with xcode 15.1 beta? the latest beta. I am using the Xcode 15.1 release. I did not test this using the new 15.2 beta in case...
I finally figured out why audio didn't play back for me. This was caused by cordova-plugin-media 7.0 and is not related to XCode 15.1. It seems I accidently updated cordova-plugin-media...
I use Cordova 12/Cordova iOs 7/Cordova Media Plugin 7. The path is looking good. Did you start the playback of the Media? `let sound=new Media("/sounds/theme.mp3");` This is directly copied...
The same error happens when starting up the self hosted version on a fresh ubuntu 22.04 (Linux 5.2) using latest docker version. So the error is not neccessarily related to...