Mikael Kristyawicaksono
Mikael Kristyawicaksono
Sure report back here. I am not sure if I can help you in anything. I am still making my first web application :)).
How can I use Webpack? Specifically for this browser.js? I have tried to use `../.bin/webpack index.js babel.test.js` I ran Webpack from `node_modules/.bin` but there are some "compilation" errors and the...
FYI, I did not have any clue on adding new entry in a popup list object. Hence, I forked your lib and added `public function GetListObject(){ return _list; }` in...
Any updates? I mean sorry if I sounds like begging to much. I am not in hurry, I am okay with my current result. Although having multiple QR scan would...
I did myself a favor installing Babel (?!) tried to compile using `babel ./index.js --out-file ./result.js` but the `result.js` is an exact same to the `index.js`.
Of course it is slow. Even TrackingJS example for face tracking it already takes 128 Megabytes memory which is already a half of Raspberry PI memory used. I use OpenCV...