Mykola Dolynskyi

Results 5 issues of Mykola Dolynskyi

How to solve? Ubuntu 18.04 building GEE with "`python2.7 /usr/bin/scons -j8 release=1 build`" `if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_diorama_5fstreaming_2eprotodevel();` .... ``` NATIVE-REL-x86_64/protobuf/ In static member function 'static const keyhole::DioramaMetadata_Object& keyhole::DioramaMetadata_Object::default_instance()': NATIVE-REL-x86_64/protobuf/

import {makePropDecorator, TypeDecorator} from '@angular/core/ will not find makePropDecorator and since "deep import" (eg from '@angular/core/src/util/decorators') not allowed its not possible to use those useful functions

Can this plugin work with objects where one field is ID and other DisplayName? As typeahead is able to provide list of key/value items but tagPush() of plugin seems to...

``` ServiceLevelAgreement_Fields: in: query name: fields description: By default, only the "name" field is included in the listing, to add more fields, you can pass the fields param to GET...

Ctrl+F find the first value. But how to search for next? (tried all combos, only Ctrl+F works)