
Results 32 comments of Unknown

Thanks for anwesring. Here's the image: ![subzero-converted](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58845030/78024894-80378200-732f-11ea-837c-cf0e16fa1618.png) About chunk-loading: For example if you have a 32x32 image, divide it 8x8 load in memory only those divisions, and show-on-screen only 8x8...


yeah its a good idea, also I should be done more tests, my "check each 2 sec" system is making the engine crashing, so I commented it out!

interesting, in this case, can you tell me @BastiaanOlij if its possible to restart the engine via gdscript? or should a bash/bat file to do so! the problem is, how...

not sure, there is for bugs and enhacements related to existing documentation, @Calinou can confirm?

Yep GDExtension is WIP, which means the best time for thinking about how to present the documentation for end-users is now! Also I dont think GDExtension is "useless" it makes...

yep I got it, but your arfimation "feature is not documented - nobody knows about it" is not true, I know little about C++, also I had little knowledge about...

@Zireael07 GDExtension is something like GDNative 2.0, the difference is that GDExtension has access to the core of the engine in a "deeper level" (has access to more stuff). basically...

here is not place for this, but you can find fresh news here: https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gdextension

@Calinou This one lets me play a lot of audios in short time? Also makes sense to be a core issue, in all my projects I had problem with audio!...