
Results 32 comments of Unknown

@Calinou made a C# version of it, worked flawlessly thank you again! ```csharp using Godot; using System; public static class OSTManager { public static void PlaySFX(Node target, AudioStream stream, Vector2...

I'm not using browser version, I'm using the standalone on linux! > I feel making the time easily editable would make it too easy to accidentally alter it for the...

Hmm I didnt tought on using string name of the input actions, its a interesting approach.

Made A GDScript prototype, any feedbacks are welcome @Xrayez @asheraryam InputBuffer.gd: ``` extends Reference class_name InputBuffer signal command_identified var _commands:Array var _buffer:PoolIntArray = [] var _time_buffer:PoolRealArray = [] var _time:float...

Matrix is nothing else than a array of arrays: `[[1,2],[2,3]]` - to repesent: |1x2 |3x4 in my class I'm using `vector` - Array of Array of floats, I think to...

Hmm I took a look at this yasML, seems to be way better implemented, I see no reasons to just port it to godot types

Matrices doesnt need to grow dinamically, in ML at least, once defined you just create another with calculations: Matrix A,B the sum will result in a Matrix C, same for...

I agree, but in another class like DynamicMatrix, cuz dynamic requires more processing and memalocations