Alexander Tsirel

Results 4 issues of Alexander Tsirel

Requirement comes from `celluloid` with ` spec.add_runtime_dependency "timers", "~> 4"`

Example added to extension.js: ``` javascript BabelExt.xhr({ method: "GET", url: '', onload: function(response) { alert("YEAH!"); } }); ``` Error in safari console: `DataCloneError: DOM Exception 25: An object could not...

Slate can support non-latin language toc-linking and lunr search. Redcarpet fix: Lunr multilang:


When `Action Cable` used it's better to store message queue in redis. Now 1000 actions done against ActiveRecord will spawn another 2000 queries to store/wipe `synchromesh_queued_messages` Not a priority for...
