Alexander Tsirel

Results 17 comments of Alexander Tsirel

@NaanProphet You will need to include locale files from Lunr multilang like ``. Example setup will be: Add to Slate project these files from [Lunr Multilang Project]( - `` -...

I think we can bake rake task to accept lang as param and generate assets. Stick with my tutorial for now. @trave7er not sure that Chinese stemmer is available atm.

@Akemi it was working on 0.33 version. I have compiled from `master` - doesn't work. Once the mpv is on the external screen and you will try to do fullscreen...

any updates? MPV suffer from this issue

@kamipo Could you have a look? Moving to a compound key is quite good way to work with PG schemas

Im slightly desperate about this PR to be reviewed. @rafaelfranca could you have a look?

@yahonda I have reviewed your idea. Good idea to introduce `generate_advisory_lock_id` at abstract adapter. Bad part - you have copy-pasted code for both mysql and pg adapters which renders good...

around a year to make `2` to be `1+1`. @marksiemers Look at it's putting MySQL logic back to PostgreSQL. Should be not MySQL specific or just as proposed in...