Hi all, My design is a simple loopback axi_dma mm2s to axi_dma s2mm. On a xilinx zynqMP ultrascale+ zcu102. I was wondering why only on a cold start (first run...
Hi guys, your project is great. I know this question is rhetorical but I’m trying to get started with a VCU 707 board and was wondering if your code is...
Any tips/advice on how to go about getting this driver to work for the xilinx zynq ultrscale+ devices?
Whats the difference between EZDMA and Xilinx's dma_proxy?? Is one better than the other? Thanks
Hi Jeremy was your module added to baseline kernel?
Hi all, I recently started having the issue where my maps only diplays the castelldefels city on the maps and everything surrounding it is gray. THus when I got to...