Hi @fdgm0001 were u able to get a position fix with those values? I’d say as long as ur able to get PVT I wouldn’t worry about the pseudo range...
Are ur TOW[ms] values mostly the same for each channel? None of my channels have the same TOW[ms] in real time.
Is this real time results or post processing?
Hi @jwmelto Im doing ad9361 signal source and noticing my hardware is overflowing when I reach PVT. I'm able to compute PVT and display it to std. out then shortly...
Didn’t solve the issue for my front end.
Tracking for sure.
You can profile the code with gperftools and gprof.
How about an older version of gnss-sdr perhaps v10 or v11? I'm currently having same issue doing real-time processing. Almost as If there exists a disconnect between the telemetry block...
Are there any warnings on your log files?
This get solved? Having similar issue on v 13....