Justin Keller

Results 76 issues of Justin Keller

Add support for `PATCH` method requests.

Add the ability to provide a custom document id _(aka key)_ to `set` using a new command specific option `--key`. This feature also bumps the major version to `2.0.0`. Any...


Shard document id's by the first character into one-level deep subdirectories. This feature also bumps the major version to `2.0.0`. Requires updating `README.md`, `CHANGELOG.md`, and adding new specific tests for...


Is it possible to support sshing into multiple hosts?

I see there is support for [Docker](https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve/blob/main/docker.md), any chance there is a Kubernetes Helm chart or one can be created?


I need timeout implemented, i.e. abort the XHR request after a given amount of time. Should be as easy as setting `XMLHttpRequest.timeout`.

It is my understanding that `xhr2` is only required if trying import via `Node.js`. This is for front-end/browser. Simply just doing: ``` javascript var reqwest = require('../vendor/reqwest.js'); ```

When a child processes is forked: ```javascript const cp = require('child_process'); cp.fork('./worker.js'); ``` ```javascript // worker.js const colors = require('colors'); console.log(colors.red('this should be red...')); ``` Colors does not seem to...

I don't see the title showing up in Authy. Also, I can't seem to pass any special characters such as `.` or `-` into the first argument `name` as well.

Very nice work. However, my short url keys are integers, how can I get character urls like: ``` ```