Justin Keller

Results 61 comments of Justin Keller

Check out the followin post on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23429499/stdout-buffer-issue-using-node-child-process You should be able to modify that option.

πŸ‘ if I create a PR, will it get merged in and pushed up to npm?

Shouldn't the `timeout` option set `XMLHttpRequest.timeout` instead of doing a `setTimeout()` hack? According to MDN: > The XMLHttpRequest.timeout property is an unsigned long representing the number of milliseconds a request...

Is there a workaround for this? I have set: ``` module.exports = { pathPrefix: `/venues`, ... }; ``` Then run `gatsby build --prefix-paths` and finally `gatsby-plugin-s3 deploy --yes` but still...

Ok, while I have you here, I don't see in the documentation a list of all options and descriptions. Currently only setting: ```javascript const siteAddress = new URL('https://www.ourdomainhere.dev'); options: {...

Thanks. Would be awesome to have all those options and their defaults in the README and documentation.

Can confirm, broken `tab` in menu. ![Screen Shot 2022-05-10 at 11 25 06 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/523312/167768882-76ac31d0-ff3d-4316-8e67-f433b93e4304.png) Running macOS Monterey`12.3.1`. MacBook Pro _(16-inch, 2021)_ Apple M1 Max.

Just created a related issue https://github.com/jpignata/fargate/issues/93. Currently if you use fargate cli and issue a service deploy it **deletes** any secrets previous defined in a task definition. This is a...

@jpignata @jeberly @holyjak @billdavidson4 I am willing to open a paid bounty for this feature as we require it. Essentially seems like existing secrets from the `secrets` array need to...

@jritsema wow, how did I not come across your fork before? This looks awesome. Looks like the deploy command is slightly different. Current: ``` fargate --region "$AWS_REGION" --cluster "$ECS_CLUSTER_NAME" service...