Nikolai Mushegian

Results 79 issues of Nikolai Mushegian

hello, I like your style

Maybe decode the abi like so ~`seth send --sexy "$WETH.transfer(address $BOB, uint256 100)"`~ `seth send "$WETH.transfer(address $BOB, uint256 100)"` This should be backwards compatible if we do not attempt to...

The gas reporter is hitting the coinmarketcap API without asking or telling

Preventing this connection makes no apparent difference to the output of the reporter (if it does then I missed it). If it has some reason to accept incoming connections, it...

was super bummed when azimuth didn't take this approach, was gonna wait until I had time to monetize it but this guy is gonna beat me to it * add DSCache as DSStore derivative * "StandardToken" -> "StandardToken\n(DSTokenBase)"

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given new dedicated ERC20 interface type definition package: