Results 18 issues of Nuno Cruz

Hi, I was able sometime ago to get this on my project to overcome some knockout performance issues on a specific point. Now I wanted to do some changes to...

I have a m3u with channel aaa, the epg grabber generates channel ids to make most part to match I change the id of the m3u channel to be...


I was looking for something like this. Unfortunatety I'm not a go programmer and a missed some steps to install and run this. I belive that it could be possible...


I mount on armbian using this configuration UUID=ACFA-04FD /media/usb-drive auto rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,nofail,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0 For some reason, I believe related with swapp or memory usage the PC just crash. changing /proc/sys/vm/dirty_bytes...


Got a problem when bundling preact with typescript main.bundle.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '__H') at main.bundle.js:1:12917 at main.bundle.js:1:12990 at ne (main.bundle.js:1:13138) at main.bundle.js:1:14979 at main.bundle.js:1:15040 at...

It may out of scope, but wondering if is possible to Knockout have some kind of SSR support like other libraries/frameworks. I saw a discussion on KO repository but it...

Sorry by maybe put some pressure and be a bit selfish by not respecting the good work and effort made but seems to dying before becoming a real version 4...

is possible to insert the message based on selector like this ``` ko.validation.configure({ insertMessages: true, decorateElement: true, errorElementClass: 'error', errorElementSelector: 'control-group', errorMessageClass: 'help-inline' }); ``` ```

the current date picker is really good, but on a web page make sense to see a dropdown calendar

Hi, Tried to make a dropdown scrollable by set a max-height, but is doing a shadow wrongly
