Results 33 comments of Nuno Cruz

@hoshsadiq I'm using tv_grab_pt_vodafone, not sure if is related to xmltv-util but I was not able to see how to set the ids, seems like the script is adding

I gonna try to reproduce this, unfortunately my setup has webpack 5 and node 18, I gonna try to re-recreate a demo with same webpack+typescript configuration and uploaded it

I made some modifications on a base typescript project and I end up reproducing the issue I have node 18, windows 11, and using powershell the code with the issue...

I updated the link, sorry about missing the right repo, I was sure that I was in the right place. I used the cli, but I am using webpack 5

I dont thing is Preact-CLI, I am using ``` npx webpack serve ``` Some transferred this, by I thing this is preact, maybe caused by something new that webpack 5...

@rschristian I used the cli just to generate a demo, and then I adjusted the demo to use webpack 5, ts-loader and instead to be near my other project. My...

yes, as I said I used the cli to build a quick/repo demo to show you the issue. I could remove all cli references on the original code generated by...

it seems like the problem is webpack or loaders on version 5, I downgraded the webpack toolset to use webpack 4 instead of 5 and it started to work

ok, I didn't try babel-loader, only ts-loader. I'm not 100% sure if I tried esbuild-loader, but I have an idea that was my first attempt, and then I switched to...

that is strange, smells like it's an environment thing (node related with mode:development, because I also tried). do you tested with node 18 or 16? windows or linux? I saw...