Nathan Mih
Nathan Mih
Also see: - coloring by quality metrics
Since the public version of FATCAT doesn't have tmscores, I'll have to change that to parse another similarity score
Will need to move mapped_chains attribute from the StructProp objects to Protein objects, as a dictionary named "structure_to_chain_mapping" and storing {structprop_id: [mapped_chains]}
Example of how small quality parameters will impact selection of representative structure. 5AQ6 has 87.5% similarity for protein b1973 chain A but does not pass quality check while 1TXL with...
Hah yeah actually I should have looked at that too. Thanks for checking it out Erol. Actually I made a typo, it's 1txl (which is K12) not 1tx1. But the...
Thanks! Will implement that
v0.9.5 should have addressed most of these ideas. QC/QA can't yet be run other for all proteins other than just doing the sequence alignments but that is the most important...
move to troubleshooting wiki
Sure thing Oli! I will break down our use case in a couple ways, first as a contrived example similar to the Stackoverflow question linked (which I can see us...
FYI I decided to implement this and opened up a PR This would be really great to have, it would enable a workaround I have for as well...