Here are some more for your consideration. Some of those are more suitable for function names or for enum names than purely for variable names. add/sub/mul/div/mod/neg/pow/log (arithmetics) dry/wet (e.g. https://www.gresearch.co.uk/article/in-praise-of-dry-run/#finishing-the-example)...
Another one: `fst`/`snd` (first/second) Example usage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base/docs/Data-Tuple.html EDIT: There's also `fst`/`lst` (first/last), so maybe: `fst`/`snd`/`lst` (first/second/last)
The pair `OK`/`NG` (Not Good) could be added. It's certainly not widely used (except maybe in Japan), but not worse than `yeah`/`nope` either. References: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/NG#Adjective https://www.quora.com/When-and-how-did-the-Japanese-abbreviation-NG-meaning-Not-good-or-Not-OK-a-counterpart-to-OK-originate
A footnote could be added for `true`, which is a keyword e.g. in C++ and Java.
I like to switch between Source and Preview using the keyboard. One can switch from Preview to Source with Alt+V-E-S (View -> Editors -> Source), but to switch from Source...
Smart indentation support for lists etc. would be nice. More specifically: 1. When a new line is created (Insert Newline, Split Line, Start New Line), copy the indentation from the...
The Sequences dialog shows identical sequences that have different mappings, although only one of the mappings is effective. For example, searching for U+2002 EN SPACE shows the sequence [◆] [space]...
I repeatedly have the use case that I'd like to know which existing sequences use a specific key (for example which sequences use the key "a"), in order to check...
It would be nice if the Sequences dialog would be easier to use by keyboard. In particular, it would be useful to be able quickly reload the configuration using Alt+R,...
The Compose key section in the Options dialog (Composing tab) is confusing and unclear: 1) It's not clear what the semantics of the two "Change..." buttons are. Do they allow...