Results 148 issues of Nathaniel J. Smith

The config file has a concept of different types of fixes, they're configured through a section called `type`. OK. The code calls them categories everywhere. O...kay? I know type collides...

It looks like asks assumes that all 3xx responses are redirects, and should have Location: headers. But 304 Not Modified isn't a redirect. It happens when the requester uses some...

Hi all, Obviously there's no obligation here at all, if you're having fun working on asks then you should do that :-). But I thought I should at least check...

There are a bunch of ways we aren't really following CAFB rules. Not sure how much it matters. But for example: rules for root certificates: - SHOULD NOT set...

Hello! I'm a maintainer of [Trio](, an async library for Python. (Think of it as an alternative to asyncio.) We just had someone try to use it and raven together,...

Use cases: - It should be possible to pickle a `DesignMatrixBuilder` (and/or `DesignInfo`, same issue) - Checking if two designs are the same: this comes up for rERPy -- it's...

fixed in formulaic

There's a [request here]( to add an option so that when an unrecognized categorical level is encountered, it should be encoded as all-zeros, which is apparently similar to what [scikit-learn's...

As noted here: This formula causes patsy to raise an error: ```python patsy.ModelDesc.from_formula("inf ~ x") ``` the problem is that in `patsy.parse_formula._read_python_expr`, patsy tries to figure out whether an...

To provide one way for users who definitely want overparametrized dummy coding to just do ``` C(myfactor, DummyDammit) ``` or whatever. [Request from Josef, talked over at PyCon]


In many cases when working with linear models, one has a model like `y ~ 1 + a + b:c` and you want to test a hypothesis like "`y` at...
