Results 148 issues of Nathaniel J. Smith

We create build directories keyed by the sdist hash. This is handy if we end up wanting both metadata and a wheel from the same sdist within the same run,...

For universal2 pybis on macOS, we should always create two `bin/` dirs -- one for running in x86-64 mode and one for running in arm64 mode -- and choose them...

Apparently it's a real thing now: Todo: 1. Build win_arm64 pybis. (Needs access to a Windows arm64 box. I guess the only practical way to do this is to...

When reading, we currently see `cffi-1.0.2-2.tar.gz` and parse it as name: `cffi-1.0.2`, version: `2`. And then in `PackageDB::available_artifacts("cffi")`, we end up filing this under version 2. I don't think...

I'm working on fixing a bug with connection shutdown, and standarizing the formatting first makes the source easier to work with

We should refactor the tutorial into an initial part that's similar to what we have now, or the middle part of my talk, and then a collection of examples that...


What should happen if deliver_cancel raises an exception? In the current implementation, the shielded cancel scope will prevent it from propagating until the process exits, which might take a while...


If you pass a 'long' integer greater than sys.maxint to np.sqrt, then it blows up with a confusing error message: ``` python >>> np.__version__ '' >>> np.sqrt(sys.maxint) 3037000499.9760499 >>> np.sqrt(sys.maxint...

00 - Bug
component: numpy.ufunc
component: numpy.dtype