Results 646 comments of Nathaniel J. Smith

> I don't care much about the case when an inner def or class happens right at the beginning of a function (although it stops looking weird if you'd have...

I don't have a strong intuition for how to format long nested definitions, and I don't feel the intuition that embedding a blank line inside a function somehow forces the...

I also noticed myself writing `a = (b or c)` in some code last night, which... sigh, yeah, I do prefer that but I don't know why and probably won't...

For concreteness, I guess you're asking about other uses of the `=` character like: ```python on_windows: bool = == "nt" check_sockets( == "nt") ``` or, for that matter, ```python...

Right, the libsndfile part is fine, the problem is that the python wrapper api has no way to say " please give me N frames... or if the file ends...

This doesn't indicate anything wrong with the code. There are some weird-but-correct edge cases in the underlying conversion formulas that trigger warnings, and I've been too lazy to track down...

BTW, if you're trying to find the edges of the sRGB cube in JCh space, then it's probably simpler to start with the edges in sRGB and then convert *to*...

> shouldn't `cspace_convert((100, 0, 0), 'JCh', "sRGB1") == [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]`? I don't think this was a goal of the CIECAM02 designers, no. In color theory the concept of "pure...

Ha, neat! I'm not going to have time to dig into this anytime soon, but it'd obviously be great to have it in colorspacious; any interest in implementing it?

This package seems to have CAM16-related code in it: