Nils Gudat

Results 39 issues of Nils Gudat

``` using StatsPlots, Distributions density(Normal()) ``` currently gives a weird bimodal distribution ![normal_error]( This is on Julia v1.1.1 ``` Status `C:\Users\~\.julia\environments\v1.1\Project.toml` [c52e3926] Atom v0.8.7 [6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v0.4.2 [336ed68f] CSV v0.5.6...

`scatterpath` leads to lines being a different colour from markers, and the markers can end up being the same colour as different lines on the same plot, making the legend...

Now that `GLM` is re-exported, `using GLM, Distributions` is not necessary anymore to run the example in the README, so I think this can go.

Hey, good to see someone else working on modern causal inference in Julia! I'm the author of [SynthControl]( and [TreatmentPanels](, two packages in a similar space. With TreatmentPanels I'm trying...

Currently we have an `ArgumentError` when `matchmissing==:error` and there are missings. Almost every time I run into this I have to look up what the other options are called. Could...


``` scatter(rand(Date(2000):Day(1):Date(2001), 100), rand(100); axis = (; xticks = Date(2000):Month(3):Date(2001))) ``` will not change the `xticks` at all - it appears that the argument is completely ignored (even feeding in...


On GLMakie 0.9 with Makie 0.20, `hist(rand(100); alpha = 0.5)` produces a histogram with opaque bars. On GLMakie 0.10 with Makie 0.21 I get: ``` Invalid attribute alpha for plot...


Related to #383 it would be nice to be able to group by the result of functions applied to columns. The most common case for me is: ``` df.year =...

I often find myself doing: ``` df = DataFrame(XLSX.readtable("myfile.xlsx", 1)) # Realize column names are whacky using CSV rename!(df, CSV.normalizenames(names(df))) ``` Which isn't too much hassle but I was wondering...