Nils Gudat

Results 39 issues of Nils Gudat

Just came across this slightly puzzling issue: ``` using TableView, DataFrames showtable(DataFrame(a = 0.0, b = "t\xe9st")) ``` This produces an empty output table, showing only the column header row...


Run the following in Juno: ``` using TableView, DataFrames showtable(rename!(DataFrame(a = rand(10), b = rand(10)), :b => Symbol("a.b"))) ``` This is on 0.6.0


This would mirror the display of DataFrames in the REPL/Juno inline


@JuliaRegistrator register

Described in [Ben-Michael et al. (2021)](

new method

Described in [Ben-Michael et al. (2021)](

new method

This is the "original" version of synthetic controls, as described in [Abadie, Diamond, Hainmueller (2010)]( This should be something like `ADHSCM(x::{SingleUnitTreatment, ContinuousTreatment})` at least initially, as the paper only deals...

new method

This is the method described in [Abadie/L'Hour (2021)](, code for which is available at It deals with multiple treated units, so should be something like `PenalizedSCM(x::BalancedPanel{Union{MultiUnitSimultaneousTreatment, MultiUnitStaggeredTreatment}, T2} where...

new method

Initial tests seem to indicate that using JuMP to solve the convex optimization problem can yield large speedups.

To add at a minimum: * Basque data * California smoking * German unification @azev77