Nils Gudat
Nils Gudat
It would be good to have similar support for InlineStrings in Arrow as in CSV.jl, ie habe string columns automatically stored and read in as the shortest possible InlineString
As discussed on Slack: ``` julia> using Arrow, DataFrames julia> Arrow.write("test.arrow", (a = [1, 2], b = Any[3, 4.5])) "test.arrow" julia> DataFrame(Arrow.Table("test.arrow")) 2×2 DataFrame Row │ a b │ Int64...
As discussed on Slack, it would be nice if this would work: ``` julia> using Arrow, DataFrames, ShortStrings julia> df = DataFrame(stringcol = ShortString7.(["abcde", "fghij"])) 2×1 DataFrame Row │ stringcol...
In 1.7.3 I can do: ``` julia> using IJulia julia> notebook() [ Info: running setenv(...) # Single Ctrl+C Process(setenv(..., ProcessSignaled(2)) julia> ``` In 1.8-rc3 this doesn't work (tested on both...
As shown on Slack: ``` julia> using CSV, DataFrames julia> CSV.write("test.csv", DataFrame("x1" => rand(2), "x 2" => rand(2), "x 3" => rand(2))) "test.csv" julia>"test.csv", DataFrame; select = ["x1", "x...
In Excel files which have decimal and round numbers in them, the round numbers are often displayed as integers unless the user deliberately adds decimal places. When these columns are...
I often find myself doing something like ``` tickers = ["^FTSE", "^N225", "^DJI"] result_df = DataFrame(yahoo(tickers[1])) result_df = [fill(tickers[1], nrow(result_df)) first_ticker] for t in tickers[2:end] new_df = DataFrame(yahoo(t)) new_df =...
Not sure I'm missing anything here, but it seems to me the replacement of column names with labels fails when the printed coefficients are labels of categoricals: ``` julia> using...
As discussed on Slack, I think dynamic panel data models would be a great enhancement for this package. Some things off the top of my head that this would require:...
I currently find it very hard to read wide tables in TableView as I lose my bearing on which row I'm looking at when scrolling. I have two suggestion for...