Nils Trubkin
Nils Trubkin
Hi, Tried to flash a USB with an ISO that is located on a NAS (connected as attached network storage with windows smb). Got an error. Copying the image to...
Hi, I can not find a whole lot of documentation on this one, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it a lot. So basically,...
### Feature Request #### Motivation Many oauth2 servers today use "Digest" as opposed to "Basic" authentication. Therefore, implementing a new class alongside `ClientSecretBasic` and `ClientSecretPost` would allow for a more...
### Checklist: - [x] I am using the latest release - [x] I searched for [existing GitHub issues]( - [x] I read the [documentation]( - [x] I verified the client...
Can't start miner RTX3080 + 2070S Driver 516.94 ``` ERROR: CUDA failed at 304 CUDA error code 700 Miner is now terminated ```