etcher copied to clipboard
Not able to flash image located on NAS (smb)
Tried to flash a USB with an ISO that is located on a NAS (connected as attached network storage with windows smb). Got an error. Copying the image to the local drive solved it. Looks like a bug to me.
- Etcher version: 1.7.9
- Operating system and architecture: Win 11 x86_64
- Image flashed: archlinux-2022.05.01-x86_64.iso
- What do you think should have happened: Succesfull flash
- What happened: Got an error, had to copy the iso to local harddrive
- Do you see any meaningful error information in the DevTools? Yes, see below
Fri May 20 2022 01:05:38 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) Write failed ({"image":{"size":866463744,"name":"archlinux-2022.05.01-x86_64.iso","hasMBR":true,"partitions":[{"offset":784334848,"size":81788928,"type":239,"index":1}],"extension":"iso","path":"N:\\Downloads\\OS\\archlinux-2022.05.01-x86_64.iso"},"drives":[{"size":32212254720,"isVirtual":false,"enumerator":"USBSTOR","logicalBlockSize":512,"raw":"\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive4","error":null,"isReadOnly":false,"displayName":"E:\\","blockSize":512,"isSCSI":false,"isRemovable":true,"device":"\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive4","busVersion":"2.0","isSystem":false,"busType":"USB","isCard":false,"isUSB":true,"devicePath":null,"mountpoints":[{"path":"E:\\"}],"description":"SMI USB DISK USB Device","isUAS":false,"partitionTableType":null}],"driveCount":1,"uuid":"2571eb09-505c-4c89-80b9-edbf2b45b97f","status":"failed","flashInstanceUuid":"2571eb09-505c-4c89-80b9-edbf2b45b97f","error":{"name":"Error","code":"EUNPLUGGED","syscall":"open","errno":-4058},"sample":0.1,"applicationSessionUuid":"70a8a1d1-2025-4803-b753-15da64156e38","flashingWorkflowUuid":"17c4d3f2-c6cd-4098-8eb2-fb9b093b44b8"})
Known problem. See also e.g. #2858 (and the many other issues that it links to).
Known problem. See also e.g. #2858 (and the many other issues that it links to).
Thank you for your reply. So no fix no nothing for three years? Dead project or am I missing something?
I had the same problem.
I had the same problem.
Abandoned Electron project. Won't be fixed. suggests that it isn't that abandoned?
@dfunckt The issue is still present and relevant as of version 1.18.10 Why did you close an active bug report?
Please re-open.
This is a duplicate of #2858.
Thank you for your response