Results 12 issues of Nicolas

My context: I host my webiste under a given path. I do not use symfony but we don't care here. I used (of course) webpack-encore to manage my assets. It...

My default shell is dash and not bash and make docker-test failed with error: ``` sh ./.docker/ ./.docker/ 3: Syntax error: "(" unexpected make: *** [Makefile:29: docker-test] Error 2 ```...

When I answer a message by quoting some parts, the message is perfectly signed. But quote parts lose theirs formating and appear as if they were parts of my message....

Use [OpenAPI]( to describe API at least.

Change phpstan level to 6. Need to add return type to all functions/methods and add type to all classes properties.

YEAR, MONTH and DAY functions are the same for PostgreSQL or MySQL but needs to be specialized for SQLite

Many warning have been hidden for phpstan in phpstan-baseline.neon. Refactoring of code is needed to empty that file.


Tests (atoum) are runned by [github actions]( Update configuration (.github/workflows/phyxo.yml) to allow behat tests with a matrix of databases


Check mail contents using appropriate Behat extension


Try to simplify comment workflow (validation, deletion,...) using for example [symfony component workflow](
