Nikos Bosse

Results 8 comments of Nikos Bosse

Ha very good point. It seems like gh action quotas are more generous than google cloud functions. Now I just need to learn how to create gh action scripts...

> I usually just role my face on the keyboard until they do what I want. --> me, programming...

@dbaynard that is amazing, thank you very much! And much more elegant than rolling one's face on the keyboard :) I'll test it as soon as I can. What are...

@dbaynard Thank you very much, this is really cool. I unfortunately tried and miserably failed trying to get the needed secrets and seting up the openID connect... :see_no_evil: But I...

I think there are a few reasons against switching that we should consider: The most important one is that the preview gets refetched every few hours, meaning that the plot...

Currently my only data point is that Christian had asked me to work on a second Metaculus bot and he specifically preferred our custom plots over the default preview. I'll...

I had my Obsidian vault in a google drive folder. Moving it from there and just syncing via git solved the issue for me (albeit not the underlying problem)