Niko Schmuck

Results 13 comments of Niko Schmuck

After further debugging, it seems like this is a mapping issue of Spring Data MongoDB and in newer versions the MongoDB representation as `Map` cannot be converted anymore to `net.jworkflow.kernel.models.ExecutionPointer`....

Seems like some of the beans (like converters) are annotated with `org.springframework.stereotype.Component` which does not make CDI happy, resp. refer to spring core: `org.springframework.core.env.Environment` So what would be your recommendation...

Nope, that was the idea of my animated gif, that you can see that there are no errors. For me the URL pattern issues for Swagger seems related on how...

@jknack any chances this PR could be revitalized, so that Spring Webflux with Handlebars becomes available?

Agreed with David, it would be great to have such a feature at hand!

Hmm, I'm not quite sure (and neither an webpack expert ;) but I did install `vue-tables-2` and `vuedraggable`(which both seem to have a small-medium 3rd party dependencies on their own)....

@robotdan Thanks for coming back so quickly to my question. I am a bit confused, since I thought FusionAuth is currently only available with ElasticSearch as search backend (at least...

Thanks @mooreds for taking action and clarifying on the different aspects regarding database and fulltext/ES search capabilities (side note: I would prefer if the search client does not have to...

This is working when querying users with the Java client API: `queryString = "firstName:Joe"` as opposed to `queryString = "lastName:Smith"` (of course just sample values, in reality those are matching...

For an application developer it should not make a difference if the search is using database or elasticsearch capabilities regarding the names of the fields, or which do only exist...